Monday, May 26, 2014

My booty workout

I will admit, I kinda of love my booty. Here's my butt workout at the gym. Combination of lifting and running gets me the results I want. Hopefully these exercises will help you tone your booty also!

  3 sets of 30 squats


                                                 Again, I do 3 sets of 30 squats. I like my squats.


                                                                                                    3 sets of 15


 2 sets of lunges about the length of a basketball court. Add weights if you want more of a challenge. 


                                                        3 sets of 12 with this hip abduction machine

This is a great machine for you booty and legs. It's very challenging and a good cardio workout. 

These are the exercises I use to workout my butt. There are still a lot more out there. Most of these exercises also workout your legs. While working out your booty, it is important that you squeeze your butt muscles as much as you can. You will feel a lot more burn in your bottom, and will work out your butt muscles more. Also, while doing squats or any exercises make sure to have good form. It is more important to have good form rather than lifting really heavy. While lifting it's good to feel a comfortable burn, nothing too unbearable. 



Thursday, May 22, 2014

Salad in a jar

I just heard about salad in a jar and I am pretty excited to try it. You get a mason jar, put dressing on the very bottom. Then put heavier veggies like cucumbers or carrot on top of the dressing, and continue until you have the lighter greens on top. This should last for about a week.  Once you're ready to eat the salad, shake the jar and put it on a plate. I think this will help me eat salads more often.

Dressing goes on the bottom, veggies and other salad goodies get piled on top. Everything stays separate and dressing-free until you toss the salad together in the bowl.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

how much running it takes to burn off these foods....

This is pretty interesting. How much running does it take of to burn off calories from these foods. Click on the link for a bigger picture.


Monday, May 19, 2014

best running shoes ever

My awesome new shoes!
I love my new pair of ASICS running shoes. These are the best running shoes I have ever had. I've been wearing this brand since I was a freshmen in high school running cross-country and track. So if you're looking for a good pair of running shoes, I recommend ASICS. These shoes are pricey, but they are well worth it. My boyfriend who is a podiatrist was very impressed by these shoes. He said they have very good support.

As you can see these shoes are crazy colorful. ASICS has a lot of shoes like these. I've always loved colorful shoes, and they are finally in style.

Here's a link to ASICS website

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Running can be fun

It was lovely weather today so I felt like going on a long run. I ran about 10 miles. I took the last couple of days off from working out, so I was ready to start running again. It is important to take rest days, just as important as it is to exercise. I get too burnt out if I don't take rest days. Your body needs time to recover from working out.

I usually run 3 times a week. I like to run one really long run (about 7-10 miles), one medium run (4-6 miles), and one short run (2-3 miles). I love my long runs, but those I usually run slower. Doing a 2-3 mile run keeps me fast. Since I run those short runs pretty fast. Running like this allows me to run a 5k or a half marathon no problem with little notice. Sometimes I tend to be last minute on hearing about races and I like to still be able to run them even if I wasn't specifically training for that race.

Overall, I just love running. That's hard for some people to understand. Part of the reason it's so enjoyable for me is because I've been doing it for the last 13 years. After a while it just becomes part of who you are. Not a chore or something I must do, but something I love.

My advice for new runners is just keep running. Hopefully after a time you will learn to love it. Also, when you are first starting off, don't push yourself too hard. Of course your not going to enjoy running if  you can't breath during your run, or get really sore after to that point that it hurts to walk. Start slow and easy, walk if you have to. And after a while you will improve; be able to run longer and faster, and hopefully learn to enjoy it.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Healthy Eating

I love my juicer!
I'm not on a diet and never have been. However, I do try and eat healthy without restricting myself too much. I just have a few goals that I try and follow and it seems to work pretty well for me.

My main goal is to eat more veggies and fruits. Sometimes for lunch or breakfast I will make myself a big glass of veggie/fruit juice. And it actually fills me up. Instead of eating  donuts or pop tarts, just make yourself a juicer. Juicer's are also nice when you have slightly older veggies or fruit that you wouldn't eat, but you can still juice them. Slightly ripe fruit or veggies still taste the same as fresh fruit or veggies when juicing.

My next goal is to try and stay away from eating too much sodium. I realized a lot of food that I thought was healthy, like frozen vegetables or the lean causine meals had a lot of sodium. Eating a lot of sodium will cause you to retain water which will make you look more bloated. 

One of my favorite activities is going out to eat. When I go out to eat, my goal is to try and save half of my food and take it home to have for another meal (it saves money too). Our portions are usually so big, we don't need to be eating that much food at once. Eating smaller meals more often speeds up your metabolism.

Just because I try and eat healthy doesn't mean I don't occasionally indulge in a burger or a dessert. I like to eat "junk" food from time to time. I just make sure I don't eat that kind of food all the time and that I eat plenty of healthy food. I try to make eating a healthy lifestyle, not a diet. Diet to me is something short term and hard to follow. Plus there are so many good, healthy recipes out there which makes it easier to eat healthy. Pinterest is my go to spot for healthy recipes. 

I feel good when I eat healthy food. That motivates me to continue to eat healthy. 

    My work out tips

    I love working out. My workout routine helps me stay fit. Here are some tips I have when it comes to working out:

    • Cardio helps burn calories, and lifting helps tone. The combination gets great results. Both are important. 
    • Althought I keep my cardio and lifting separate, you can combine them. Do a little cardio everyday, and lift a little everyday. Working out different muscle groups everyday. Ex: one day lift arms, next day legs, then back and chest, and so on. 
    • Don't get discouraged if you initially gain weight when you first start working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle weight is good weight. In fact don't worry about the scale. Measure your success by how good you feel and how good you look. 
    • Consistency is key when it comes to working out. Even if your feeling lazy one day or don't have much time to work out. Go to the gym anyways and have a short work out. A short work out is better than no workout 


    My workout routine

    My workout routine is simple. I run 3 times a week and I lift 2 time a week. I like to keep my running days separate from my lifting days. I run anywhere from 3-10 miles, depending on the weather and my mood. I love running and its a very enjoyable activity for me.

    In the last couple of years I have gotten into lifting. Running alone I get too skinny. Adding lifting a couple times a week helps tone me. I like looking muscular and being strong.

    I'm interested in looking fit, not skinny.  

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