Sunday, May 18, 2014

Running can be fun

It was lovely weather today so I felt like going on a long run. I ran about 10 miles. I took the last couple of days off from working out, so I was ready to start running again. It is important to take rest days, just as important as it is to exercise. I get too burnt out if I don't take rest days. Your body needs time to recover from working out.

I usually run 3 times a week. I like to run one really long run (about 7-10 miles), one medium run (4-6 miles), and one short run (2-3 miles). I love my long runs, but those I usually run slower. Doing a 2-3 mile run keeps me fast. Since I run those short runs pretty fast. Running like this allows me to run a 5k or a half marathon no problem with little notice. Sometimes I tend to be last minute on hearing about races and I like to still be able to run them even if I wasn't specifically training for that race.

Overall, I just love running. That's hard for some people to understand. Part of the reason it's so enjoyable for me is because I've been doing it for the last 13 years. After a while it just becomes part of who you are. Not a chore or something I must do, but something I love.

My advice for new runners is just keep running. Hopefully after a time you will learn to love it. Also, when you are first starting off, don't push yourself too hard. Of course your not going to enjoy running if  you can't breath during your run, or get really sore after to that point that it hurts to walk. Start slow and easy, walk if you have to. And after a while you will improve; be able to run longer and faster, and hopefully learn to enjoy it.