Saturday, May 17, 2014

Healthy Eating

I love my juicer!
I'm not on a diet and never have been. However, I do try and eat healthy without restricting myself too much. I just have a few goals that I try and follow and it seems to work pretty well for me.

My main goal is to eat more veggies and fruits. Sometimes for lunch or breakfast I will make myself a big glass of veggie/fruit juice. And it actually fills me up. Instead of eating  donuts or pop tarts, just make yourself a juicer. Juicer's are also nice when you have slightly older veggies or fruit that you wouldn't eat, but you can still juice them. Slightly ripe fruit or veggies still taste the same as fresh fruit or veggies when juicing.

My next goal is to try and stay away from eating too much sodium. I realized a lot of food that I thought was healthy, like frozen vegetables or the lean causine meals had a lot of sodium. Eating a lot of sodium will cause you to retain water which will make you look more bloated. 

One of my favorite activities is going out to eat. When I go out to eat, my goal is to try and save half of my food and take it home to have for another meal (it saves money too). Our portions are usually so big, we don't need to be eating that much food at once. Eating smaller meals more often speeds up your metabolism.

Just because I try and eat healthy doesn't mean I don't occasionally indulge in a burger or a dessert. I like to eat "junk" food from time to time. I just make sure I don't eat that kind of food all the time and that I eat plenty of healthy food. I try to make eating a healthy lifestyle, not a diet. Diet to me is something short term and hard to follow. Plus there are so many good, healthy recipes out there which makes it easier to eat healthy. Pinterest is my go to spot for healthy recipes. 

I feel good when I eat healthy food. That motivates me to continue to eat healthy. 

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